Basics of Image Convolution

Convolution is a process used for applying general-purpose filter effects like blurring, sharpening, embossing, edge detection, and more. To understand convolutions we must first understand what a convolution matrix is, also referred to as kernel. Take for example the blurring filter. In blur filter, we set each pixel to the mean of its neighbouring pixels. …

Segmenting lines in handwritten documents using A* Path planning algorithm

In this article, I will explain a widely used method for segmenting handwritten documents into individual lines. Below is a sample output from my algorithm. The below flowchart outlines the different steps involved in the segmentation process. The explained method will only work with non-skewed documents. To de-skew the document, you can refer to my …

K-fold cross validation

The greatest headache for any machine learning engineer is the problem of overfitting. The model we trained works perfectly on the training dataset but when applied to other new dataset it fails miserably. This is because of overfitting where our classifier learns the provided dataset accurately but fails when applied on new data. One good …