When I try to understand a particular sentence, I have a feeling that my mind is automatically trying to break the complex words into simpler sentences and then trying to process the whole meaning. A program that can rephrase a sentence to its minimal vocabulary might help me find a way how a brain understands language. Let’s say I have a […]
Grus analysis using most used english words – 19th July 2016
Understanding thoughts on the basis of Nouns or Verbs is not taking me anywhere to close building a thought machine. Trying to understand how the most widely used words in English sentence might make a difference I am not sure. This is what I have from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most_common_words_in_English $scope.analysiswords = [“the”, “be”, “to”, “of”, “and”, “a”, “in”, “that”, “have”, […]
There are too many missing pieces in Artificial Intelligence
Lets talk about a hypothetical software program to solve a simple problem of taking a natural language question like – “What was the last painting of Leonardo Da vinci?”. which would give out St. John the Baptist as the answer. The first solution to strike your mind would be to use Google Search API to simply post the […]
Road trip to Ranganthittu Bird Sanctuary from Bangalore

Looking for a day out of Bangalore to a more quite and beautiful place among the birds. Head over to Ranganthittu Bird Sanctuary located 135 Km from Bangalore which is a home of more than 170 species of birds. Bird life includes the little cormorant, large cormorand, darter, white ibis, spoonbill, open-billed stork, painted stork, egret, […]
Countries and their mobile codes in json format
List of countries with their phone code prefixes in JSON format [ { “country”: “Afghanistan”, “id”: “af”, “code”: 93 }, { “country”: “Albania”, “id”: “al”, “code”: 355 }, { “country”: “Algeria”, “id”: “dz”, “code”: 213 }, { “country”: “American Samoa”, “id”: “as”, “code”: 1684 }, { “country”: “Andorra”, “id”: “ad”, “code”: 376 }, { “country”: […]
Are we going to reach AGI with Neural Networks?
Neural Networks! Google is working on it, so it must be cool isn’t it. Take any book on Neural Networks it starts with an introduction on brain biology which looks like something we saw in our high school biology text book. It gives a detailed explanation on what we know about our brain and how it works and we start dreaming that […]
Creating a Bar chart using HTML, CSS and Javascript – Part 2
This is in continuation of my previous post about creating Bar chart, we will try to add some more features to our chart to make it look more appealing with minimal changes. List of things we will add in this version of chart. x-axis and y-axis labels. y-axis line Animate the bars We will work on the same […]
Styling the default browser scroll bar using CSS
Default Scroll Bar Add the below CSS code to your stylesheet ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 4px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.3); } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); } This is what you get, a more beautiful Scroll Bar Lets add some round corners and increase the width ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: […]
Creating a Bar chart using HTML, CSS and Javascript – Part 1
Third party libraries like d3js, highcharts, flotcharts, morris, raphael are all amazing no doubt but sometimes you just need something dead simple and minimal without too much fanciness. And if all you want is just a bar chart to show some data without having to include a library with a dozen charts then you better figure […]
Client side caching of API responses
Talk about caching and we talk about how we are going to put everything into redis or memcache on our servers and send back cached responses to our clients and make our applications respond faster by taking the load off the databases. Below is a flow of how a typical caching mechanism looks like. While server caching is a phenomenal […]