Grus analysis using most used english words – 19th July 2016

Understanding thoughts on the basis of Nouns or Verbs is not taking me anywhere to close building a thought machine. Trying to understand how the most widely used words in English sentence might make a difference I am not sure.

This is what I have from Wikipedia:

$scope.analysiswords = ["the", "be", "to", "of", "and", "a", "in", "that", "have", "I", "it", "for", "not", "on", "with", "he", "as", "you", "do", "at", "this", "but", "his", "by", "from", "they", "we", "say", "her", "she", "or", "an", "will", "my", "one", "all", "would", "there", "their", "what", "so", "up", "out", "if", "about", "who", "get", "which", "go", "me", "when", "make", "can", "like", "time", "no", "just", "him", "know", "take", "people", "into", "year", "your", "good", "some", "could", "them", "see", "other", "than", "then", "now", "look", "only", "come", "its", "over", "think", "also", "back", "after", "use", "two", "how", "our", "work", "first", "well", "way", "even", "new", "want", "because", "any", "these", "give", "day", "most", "us"];


Screenshot from 2016-07-22 07-18-19Inferences: Just removing the most widely used words from the sentence doesn’t help much in understanding how the mind works and forms thoughts. A better question for me to understand would be to understand how our mind build thoughts.