Binomial distribution is used to understand the probability of a particular outcome in repeated independent trials. The probability of a trial is either success or failure. The trials are independent as the outcome or the previous trial had no effect on the next trial, as happens in tossing of coins. If we flip a coin, it would either […]
Poisson distribution with Python
A Poisson distribution is the probability distribution of independent occurrences in an interval. Poisson distribution is used for count-based distributions where these events happen with a known average rate and independently of the time since the last event. For example, If the average number of cars that cross a particular street in a day is 25, […]
Graph Theory Basics – Part 1
A,B,C,D and E are vertices AB, BC, CD etc are edges the whole diagram is called a graph. The degree of a vertex is the number of edges with that vertex as an end-point; B is degree 2, written as deg(B) Graphs with no loops or multiple edges, such as the graph in 1, are called […]
Solo trip to Madikeri – A life changing experience

As you travel solo, being totally responsible for yourself, it’s inevitable that you will discover just how capable you are. I discovered a part of me I never knew existed when I had to confront everything that was out of my comfort zone. Like everyone who has ever received advice on traveling somewhere alone, I […]
Finally some success after an year of research in trying to teach a computer how to understand a question like a human.
Like I always believed, there is a way to represent each and every natural language sentence using mathematical notations. Its been an year since I have been playing around with various AI algorithms and after countless failed attempts today I made some progress. A sentence can be divided into three parts as explained in Subject-Verb-Object. So a good AI who […]
Markow chain explained in simple words
Markow chain is a probabilistic process used to predict the next step based on the probabilities of the existing related states. Its called a chain because the probability of the next step is dependant on the other steps in the group. For example, if the weather is cloudy then its highly likely that it might rain (The next […]
How about inventing a language easy for both humans and bots to understand
English or any other language as a matter of fact is difficult for a computer to understand, especially when the meaning is ambiguous. Most chat bots are “if else” programs that do nothing more than basic NLP or pattern recognition. Not denying how useful they have been lately but we still have miles to go. […]
Three keys to building a successful product
1) Your application must save your users significantly more money than any of your competitors 2) Your application must save your users significantly more time in their day-to-day lives than any of your competitors 3) Your application must be significantly more entertaining than any of your competitors Source:
Book Summary – “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz
The First Agreement – Be Impeccable With Your Word Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using words to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth, of what is good, and what you want. Choose your words carefully in what you […]