Steven Pressfield’s Seven Principles of Resistance Principle One: There is an enemy working against us so the trick is to recognize it. Principle Two: The enemy is implacable. Principle Three: The enemy is inside you. Principle Four: The enemy is inside you, but it is not you. Principle Five: The “real you” must duel the […]
If you are not solving a problem, you are probably creating one
Trying to solve a problem for everyone often means you end up solving it for… no one.
Road trip to Avalabetta and Nandi Hills from Bangalore

An idea of a trekking trip took us to the peak of Avalabetta hill which is around 100kms from Bangalore on Hyderabad highway. We started at around 7:30 A.M and stopped at Nandi Upachar right next to the road leading to Nandi Hills. The restaurant was crowded, we had to wait 10 mins for a place. The food […]
How to build products that Hooks your users

Recently I read a book called “Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products” written by Nir Eyal. It changed the way I used to look at product design and development. The basic principles explained in the book were at the core of almost all successful consumer applications I use daily. I understood why Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram was such an important part […]
Language is a representation of Thought
Mathematics is the language of God and so is the language of our mind. A man may speak many languages but there is only one way of storing everything he speaks. Below is probably how information from the external world coming inside is stored. As proposed by Noam Chomsky in Universal Grammar, the L.A.D, […]
Understanding the data structure in Human mind – 18 Aug 2016
When we read something we understand and memorise the gist of the sentences. We can express many things from those simple sentences, a lot of which has not even been expressed clearly. As an example, consider the below sentence taken from Wikipedia about Apple Tree. The apple tree (Malus pumila, commonly and erroneously called Malus […]
Language as a representation of raw thoughts or visual pictures running in our mind. 9-Aug-2016
I was writing a article about one of my experience today. I was stuck at one line without a good word to explain the situation through words. I have the experience clearly visible in my mind running like a video but there is no word in the vocabulary I know to describe it. I think this happens […]
Understanding sentences and their meanings one word at a time. 1-Aug-16
I picked a newspaper article and while reading it I was trying to understand the internal workings of how I am forming meaning in those sentences. Like most of the semantic analytics in theory we don’t really need the whole sentence before we start forming the meaning. As I am reading I am discovering or probably even trying to […]
DIKW Pyramid – Could this be a clue towards building a thought machine? 30 – July
The DIKW Pyramid, also known variously as the “DIKW Hierarchy“, “Wisdom Hierarchy“, the “Knowledge Hierarchy“, the “Information Hierarchy“, and the “Knowledge Pyramid“, refers loosely to a class of models for representing purported structural and/or functional relationships between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. “Typically information is defined in terms of data, knowledge in terms of information, and wisdom […]