Managing our day to day activities to make best use of our time is not an easy task and not many are skilled at managing it well. These days, time seems to be at a premium. We have devices that keep us constantly connected with work, with friends and family, and sometimes even with complete strangers. […]
The Paradox of choice
How often have you been in a situation wherein you had to choose one option among too many? Lets go to a hand bag showroom and try to pick a bag. The purpose of a hand-bag is quite simple which come in various shapes, colors, sizes, prices, brands, and types. When you get into the showroom […]
Cognitive dissonance in simple terms

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological term which describes the uncomfortable tension that results from having two conflicting thoughts at the same time, or from engaging in behavior that conflicts with one’s beliefs. It is also a description of the behaviors that allow you to override such dissonance. A very simple example of this involves the […]
Achilles & The Tortoise Paradox
“In a race, the quickest runner can never overtake the slowest, since the pursuer must first reach the point whence the pursued started, so that the slower must always hold a lead.” —Aristotle, Physics VI:9, 239b15 Here is another interesting paradox which proves that mathematics can be beautifully strange sometimes. This is a story of Achilles […]
Angular ng-repeat on object and arrays
ng-repeat is similar to a for loop in javascript which lets you loop through an array of objects or values and print the information in html. For example: Suppose we have an array of people, $scope.people = [“Max”,”Gene”,”Rose”]; To print these values in a <p> tag would have a syntax something like the one shown […]
Slugify URLs using Javascript
To generate human-readable url slugs from any ordinary string, you can uyse the following code snippet in your javascript. You can use it as a function or as an angular factory method Javascript Function: var slugify = function(text){ return text.toString().toLowerCase() .replace(/\s+/g, ‘-‘) // Replace spaces with – .replace(/[^\w\-]+/g, ”) // Remove all non-word chars .replace(/\-\-+/g, […]